Family/Systemic Constellations
Family/Systemic Constellations Work is gaining considerable ground worldwide as an innovative and unique method for making the hidden dynamics within systems visible, thereby showing the true nature of a situation and possibilities for resolution. Systemic theory shows us the absolute interconnectedness of all beings through the systemic fields in which we live, at the level of the soul and through what is sometimes called the morphogenic field. It also demonstrates clearly the fundamental holistic nature of life, and how this has an impact on us in our intimate, social, professional and political relationships.
Systemic Constellations Work is based on the original work of Bert Hellinger and subsequent developments, and is practical, and at the same time very profound, offering new insights and understanding that make it possible for us to increase our choices and make more informed and clearer decisions. The method of Constellations is applicable in a wide variety of situations, from the deeply personal area of intimate systems (families, relationships), to the larger organising systems of business, government, social and cultural services, religious orders, environmental and ecological systems.
By working with constellations, we can resolve conflicts and suffering within families and other systems. The influences that operate within systems are often out of our awareness, come from events that took place earlier, and yet affect our lives with sometimes devastating consequences. The messages that this work can give us are simple and profound, obvious and at the same time revealing.
This field, called ‘the knowing field’ by Hellinger literally connects us all intuitively with one another, and explains why we know who is calling before we pick up the phone, and why cats know when their owners are going to take them to the vet and so hide. This is particularly true for the family as we are connected energetically and emotionally to our family of origin for the entire period of our physical life, regardless of how much distance we may think we have, or would like to have created. We are all our parents’ children, and what a child wants more than anything else is to find harmony within the family.
While personal work is invaluable in determining subconscious beliefs and ensuing behaviour, Family Constellations reveal hidden influences that are ancestral in origin and cannot be determined by conventional methods.
Almost any situation can be addressed by Family Constellations, and by working with the field, previously unmanageable solutions can be found for any issue, such as those around relationships, work and health. Little, if any, prior knowledge of the family is required; all that is needed is a clear personal issue.
A constellation can also assist in identifying and expressing the nature of an issue, even when one is not sure of what is causing difficulty or pain. While many Constellations are set up to explore deeply embedded problems, they also serve people who are confronted with difficult choices, whether they are issues around personal direction, career or relationships. Constellations can help with this decision-making by providing a unique chance to observe representatives actually embodying the choices in question. This can provide insight and clarity at an important crossroads in one's life.
By constellating an issue, you will gain new insights and understanding from seeing entirely new dimensions to the issue. With the expanded perspective, and a focus on solutions (rather than the problem), you gain the strength and renewed vitality to overcome previous limitations and dissolve the conflict and suffering. A Family Constellation is created in a group setting, with individuals being selected to represent members of a family. Everyone is intuitively placed in a position by the client, including an individual to represent the client, and the constellation then starts to come to life.
Representatives begin to feel the emotions, fears and desires of the persons concerned, and start to take different spatial positions and portray the inner dynamics of the family system. In a very remarkable and profound way, the true story of the family is expressed and clearly seen, often for the first time. This is not role-playing, since the particpants have no knowledge about who they are representing.
The role of the facilitator is to understand how harmony can be brought to a system, and to offer “unimaginable solutions” for the members so that everyone is recognized.
In this way deep healing occurs in the system outside the constellation setting, even for those who are not present.
Since first meeting Bert Hellinger, the founder of the so-called Family Constellations approach, in 2000, Hari Tahil and Petya Lowe have been learning how to work with the field and assist people to find answers in their lives.
Workshops give you the opportunity to work on issues in an ‘unimaginable’ way! Even though not all participants will have a chance to have their personal constellation done simply the act of participating in the powerful, yet subtle, simple and compassionate Constellation process – as an observer or a representative - is energizing, inspiring, insightful and a source of deep learning for all present.
Please note, there has to be a minimum of 12 people attending this workshop for it to go ahead.
Personal constellations, not in a group setting, can also be arranged by appointment.