Crystal Empowerment workshop
Lifeforces offers The Spiritual Unfoldment Network ( Crystal Empowerment Workshop, which contains ten attunements that increase your ability to work with crystals and gemstones. You do not need any experience in working with crystals to take the workshop. Through empowerments of your energy field, you will become able to magnify tenfold the energy field of a crystal or gemstone. You will have entirely new ways of: clearing and programming crystals, contacting your higher self, and making gemstone elixirs. Please bring a singly terminated quartz crystal if you have it and several favorite gemstones. If you don’t have any crystals, or would like some new ones, we have many beautiful ones from Brazil for sale at very reasonable prices.
In this workshop you will receive many attunements.
So, why not take this class and learn more about what crystals can do for you - we are looking forward to exploring their amazing world together with you!
Crystal empowerment attunements you will receive:
# POWER AMPLIFICATION ATTUNEMENT, which enables you to multiply the power of a stone by up to a factor of 10. This attunement also enables you to return the stone to its original state.
# CRYSTAL CLEARING SHAKTI - Clears a stone of any negative energies and of any previous programming.
# PERSONALIZATION ATTUNEMENT - Allows you to personalize any crystal or gemstone for a particular person. Will remove any energies not appropriate for the person and will add any energies that are appropriate and which blend well with the stone's energy. As the person changes, the added energies will change too!
# HIGHER SELF SHAKTI - Allows you to use a clear quartz crystal to facilitate connection with your higher self.
# GEM ELIXIR ATTUNEMENT - Allows you to make an elixir corresponding to any stone.
# CRYSTAL WISDOM ATTUNEMENT - Increases your ability to understand stones and how to work with them.
# INTUITION ATTUNEMENT - Increases one's own internal awareness, specifically for the purpose of working with crystals
# CRYSTALLINE SHAKTI. Can be used to affect the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual levels. Can be sent instantaneously to any chakras, meridians, or subtle bodies (or any combination thereof).
We are looking forward to exploring the amazing world of crystals with you!