Drisana level 7 - Tibetan Spirituality (Prerequisite: Drisana level 6)
This class can be taken by distance
If Drisana had to be characterized in just a phrase, perhaps the best description would be to say that it is the most complete, versatile and sophisticated energy system available to the general public (note that we do not say ‘the best’ as this is subjective).
The primary focus of Drisana VII is to facilitate the process commonly known as the "death of the ego" (in reality this term is a misnomer because the ego does not literally "die", but rather is radically transformed). Therefore, in this level of Drisana there will be both a theoretical discussion of this process as well as attunements which will assist you directly in this transformation.
In addition, several options available to those who wish to continue to do work that is in alignment with and extends the first seven levels of Drisana will be offered.
In this, the penultimate level of the Drisana series, you will receive 62 attunements as well as a transmission of individualized energy work from T.K. In addition to receiving Drisana 7th light , a higher power setting for running all energies (settings 26 through 30.) and upgrades on attunements received in previous levels you will also be given many new and powerful attunements such as the ones mentioned below:
* Third Chakra Enhancement.
* A series of attunements for the COSMC PLANE – for connecting you to it, opening, rewiring, absorbing prana from it, bringing in and integrating Cosmic plane energy down through the body, DNA and cellular level Cosmic plane attunements.
* Corpus Collosum Attunement which promotes integration between the cerebral hemispheres.
*Etheric Brain re-structuring Attunement based on star tetrahedron technology which improves the functioning of the etheric brain in many respects.
* Causal Heart Meditation Attunement. The causal heart is a center for receiving and transmuting Divine Love and also plays a major role in meditation. This attunement facilitates any form of meditation which either involves or could be improved by the receipt of Divine Love.
* Emotional Body Reconstruction Attunement. This attunement strengthens and purifies the emotional body in a truly profound way.
*Mental Body Reconstruction Attunement. This attunement strengthens and purifies the mental body in a truly profound way.
* Samscaric Vortex Attunement. Our samskaras are the tendencies we have - from this and past lives - to think, act, feel and perceive as we do. The sum total of one's samskaras constitutes one’s character. This attunement produces unusually deep energetic release of samskaras as is appropriate (i.e. as determined by their readiness to release and approval of your Higher Self).
* Personality Atom Attunement. The "personality atom" is a name given to a center in a system of energy centers that is "one tier up' from the chakra system. This attunement uses star tetrahedron technology to greatly increase the efficiency of the personality atom.
* Ray Rebalancing of the Internal Organs Attunement.
* Strand Modifictaion Attunement. This attunement is one of the most transformative in Drisana 7. It places a sequence of many small star tetrahedron energy fields along the length of each of the first four strands, thereby greatly improving their functioning.
* Cosmic Plane Meditation attunement - this attunement comes directly from Irving Feurst’s Solar Angel.