Huna level 5 (Prerequisite: Huna level 4)
This class can be taken by distance
This final level completes the current Huna sequence by synergistically enhancing and strengthening attunements from the previous four Huna levels as well as introducing some very powerful new initiations:
- Initiation for the Hu-na Meditation. This initiation empowers you to do a meditation which results in the spreading out of centered calmness from the na'au center (also known as the hara center) which leads to a characteristic state of consciousness which plays a central role in classical Huna. This state of consciousness, besides being valuable in itself, is a portal to many other advanced states of consciousness and abilities.
- KU'A Initiation. This is an unusually powerful energy that is considered one of the most sacred of all initiations in the Malaka tradition. It acts to burn away negative emotion forms and negative thought forms that impede our manifesting our true (divine) self, i.e. manifesting the divine attributes associated with the Cross of Fire centers - such as divine love, divine patience, being in harmony with the divine plan, divine vision, etc. The energy goes into the body Ao (i.e. the centers of the Cross of Fire) and from there spreads to all parts of our being.
- PUA AHI ("Fire of the Heart") Initiation. This shakti acts to clear emotion forms and thought forms which impede manifestation of divine love as well as facilitating direct awareness of divine love and of its action throughout creation.
- KOKOKINA ("Sweetness flowing like a continuous rain) Attunement. Promotes a characteristic Hawaiian state of consciousness of being relaxed, centered, in tune with the sweetness of life and the natural flow of the universe.
- KANI I'AO ('The vibration of I'AO") Initiation. This initiation instills the divine sound of I'ao (one of Huna’s names for God and Divine Mind and Divine Light) in the Cross of Fire centers. This initiation facilitates spiritual evolution in a general way with an emphasis on empowering one's meditations, particularly the hu-na meditation. Receiving this initiation also greatly empowers the use of "I'ao" as a mantram for meditation.
- AHI I'AO (“The fire of Divine Mind") Initiation. This shakti acts to clear emotion forms and thought forms which impede the manifestation through our personality of Divine Mind as well as facilitating direct awareness of Divine Mind and of its action throughout creation.
- KAUAI Amethyst Initiation. This initiation works with the energies of a kind of amethyst found in the northern part of Kauai. This form of amethyst embodies energies from the heart Ao of the earth, energies which connect the heart Ao of the earth and the heart Ao of the sun. The purpose of this initiation is to connect you more deeply to both the heart Ao of the earth and the heart Ao of the sun.
- KO ("Sugar Cane") Initiation. In the Malaka tradition the word "ko" refers, among other things, to a class of elixirs (i.e. not literally liquids but energies which have a liquid feel to them), most of which circulate through the blood and have a variety of functions, including awakening us to the ever present sweetness of God. The initiation uses some of the key frequencies found in sugar cane to stimulate production of some of the key elixirs. In addition to awakening us to the sweetness of God, this initiation has also classically been used, as it is in this workshop, to provide an energetically comforting feeling which lessens the intensity of some of the fire initiations in this level of the Huna sequence.
- LIMU Initiation. There are a number of energies which are found in all living plants. In addition to meaning "sea-moss" or "sea-grass", the word “limu" refers to a type of energy which is particularly strong in some such plants but is found in all living plants. This energy is quite energizing and even rejuvenating to the etheric body.
- Initiation for Emotional and Mental Integration. This initiation deepens the connection between the heart and the brain in a way which greatly facilitates emotional and mental integration. The initiation takes 21 days to come in completely.