Free Reiki Share
Sunday December 14th 2008, January 25th 2009
Lifeforces 2 Shinanomachi
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Workshop schedule:
Red Ankh level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Thursday 27th November 19:00-22:30
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 7,000/9,000 yen
Contact for more information
Drisana level 3
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Sunday 30th November
10:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces1, Shinagawa, Fee 39,000 yen
Contact to book a place
Sekhem level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Sunday 7th December 10:00-18:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 33,000/37,000 yen
Contact for more information
Drisana level 6
This class can be taken by distance, too
Sunday 14th December 10:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 55,000 yen
Contact for more information
Angelic Opening and Shielding of the Heart Chakra level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 15th December 19:00 - 22:30
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 20th December 14:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 15,000/17,000 yen
Contact for more information
Planetary Triangles level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 10th January 13:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 9,000/12,000 yen
Contact for more information
Angelic Opening and Shielding of the Throat Chakra level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 19th January 19:00 - 22:30
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Huna level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 24th January 10:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 16,000/20,000 yen
Contact for more information
Moving Towards Freedom
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 26th January 19:00-22:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 11,000/13,000 yen
Contact for more information
Book of the Month:
This Year I Will... - M.J. Ryan
Ever started something and then let it go? Find motivation hard to come by? In This Year I Will... M.J. Ryan shows you how to plan, prepare and carry through your goals in a compassionate and entertaining way.
With the new year coming up, what could be more appropriate?
Small children want to look up to their parents and believe what they are told, even if they do not like what they hear. As children get older, and are exposed to more influences, the tendency to believe what parents say diminishes, until, as teenagers, it seems that nothing parents say is listened to or is correct.
Later still, especially as the children may now have children of their own, the parents are seen in a new light and are once again wisdom is found in their words.
While the parents did not change the message, the way it was received did as a result of viewpoints or filters.
Filters are set up for various reasons such as to stop us from being hurt, so we do not have to consider ideas that challenge our beliefs and views of the world, and to give us some certainty out of which to act.
However, these filters also block out useful information and, furthermore, we start to create a world as a reality according to those filters. People with, for example, strong left- or right-wing views see an event as a reality according to their filters. The ability to observe without judgements is rare.
Yet while useful at some stage in life, the more one matures and finds inner strength, the less filters are needed, but since we believe what we experience, how can we know whether we are experiencing something objectively or through a set of filters?
Again, our emotions are key. Psychologists have identified 54 so-called negative emotions. When we feel one of these, it is likely we are viewing the world through a set of filters. Of course, there are situations where our negative emotions help us avoid difficulty or trouble, but for most people living in a civilized society dangers are few and far between. In addition, seeing the world as a dangerous place because of a set of filters is thought by many to create exactly the situation one is trying to avoid.
On a further note, while none of us would want to give up our positive emotions, they are often the result of things we label as “good.” In the case of reward-based behaviour, this is only the opposite side of the coin to punishment- or pain-based ‘motivation’.
Next month, I’ll give some specific examples of bias and how we adapt data to fit our preferences.
Interdimensional Gateways
The word 'dimension' is generally used in two different ways. First, it is used to refer to spatial extent i.e. the three dimensions of length, width and height. Another meaning of the word dimension is 'realm of existence' and it is in this sense that we use the word here.
Why work with energy from other dimensions?
First, a very straightforward reason for working with energy from other dimensions is simply to increase the number of energies we can access.
Secondly, and most importantly, by accessing energy from certain other dimensions we are connecting with the primordial ray of creation (called Kav Ray in the kabbalistic tradition). When the primordial ray of creation brought the universe into being, the ray of creation split into many fragments, each fragment encoding a portion of the primordial Tree of Life and creating a separate dimension. Therefore, only when the fragments come together again can the divine plan be fulfilled and only when we carry the energies of certain key dimensions can our divine potential be realized fully.
Thus working with the energy of other dimensions is not just another way to work with energy, it is a very important part of reconnecting with and re-integrating into the divine plan. There are certain key dimensions with which it is particularly important for us to work with. They are:
Love, Vision, Joy, Vitality,
Universal Acceptance, Serenity,
Power, Courage, Hope, Compassion,
Lightness of Being, Receptivity to Divine Will
And finally, when you connect with these dimensions in a on-going way, through the inter-dimensional gateways, you automatically attract the help of angelic beings who work to unify the different dimensions and who will assist you and facilitate your personal and spiritual growth.
Gateways are usually opened in any object, though often a crystal or piece of jewelry, which can then be left in one place or carried around. They can also be opened in a specific location such as a house or office unattached to a particular object. Gateways are spherical and extend for a radius of approximately 15 meters.
Lifeforces charges 5,000 yen per gate, though there is a discount if all 12 are selected. Gateways last for the life of the object they are put in, and stay indefinitely in an area or space. They cannot be broken up into smaller gateways by dividing the object.
A gateway in a crystal makes a wonderful Christmas gift that keeps on giving.
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Quote of the month:
"Concepts of right and wrong, good or bad, and ethics are only opinions, for what may be good in one case may be a disaster in another ."
Sydney Madwed