Free Reiki Share
Sunday July 12th and 26th 18:00-21:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi
Contact to book a place
Workshop schedule:
Drisana level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too Offered with Japanese translation
Click here for course description
Saturday 4th July 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 27,000/31,000 yen
Contact for more information
Miraculous Vessels 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 11th July 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 12,000/16,000 yen
Contact for more information
Angelic Opening and Shielding of the Heart Chakra level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 13th July 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Click here for course description
Sunday 19th July 14:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 15,000 yen
Contact for more information
Awakening Your Pineal Gland level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too
Offered with Japanese translation
Click here for course description
Saturday 25th July 14:00-17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Phoenix Rising level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too Offered with Japanese translation
Click here for course description
Saturday 1st August 14:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Quote of the Month:
“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are.”
Adelle Davis
Why Food is Worth it
It has been said before and is worth saying again - mind, body and spirit are intimately interconnected and we cannot affect one without affecting the others.
While personal development and self-growth are necessary and can be fun and interesting, as we become older we frequently become less interested in the body. For example, we stop exercising and start gaining weight, believing this to be a natural result of the years. We feel ourselves losing energy and becoming ‘older’.
One of the reasons for this is not the natural progression of time but a lack of body care and maintenance. If you are not exercising, then food becomes even more important. Ayurveda tells us that food is the most powerful drug we will put in our body.
Eating properly is the minimum we can do for ourselves, food is not something to be grabbed on-the-go while we are doing ‘more important’ things. Chinese medicine urges us to chew our food properly and eat slowly and not to excess. Furthermore, eating when stressed or emotionally disturbed causes us to ‘swallow’ those emotions and have them linger inside.
Counting calories may be a nuisance, but at least balance the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates you consume. Eat more fruit and vegetables, and take the time to prepare food for yourself. If you are not prepared to learn how to make nutritious and healthy food for yourself, what are you willing to do to look after yourself?
Eating out can be fun, convenient and is often inexpensive. Yet who is preparing the food? When I see kitchen staff outside the back of a restaurant smoking, I feel reluctant to eat in that place, no matter how hygienic they may be. When I cook something tasty, and especially if I share it with others, there is great pleasure and satisfaction.
If you are disappointed with your cooking, look on the Internet for videos on how to cook, as well as finding new recipes. It is a lot of fun.
Eating proper meals, slowly at regular times will have an impact beyond the body. You will think more clearly, feel more positive and enjoy life more.
Book of the Month:
Bread, Body, Spirit: Finding the Sacred in Food - Alice Peck
With contributions from 60 authors, Bread, Body, Spirit is a collection of stories and anecdotes showing spiritual lessons from food and eating.
Some are homespun philosophies, while others are comments from seers of the ages.
More of a bedtime book, Bread. Body and Spirit will have you looking at one of our most important activities in a new light.