Upcoming Free Energy Share Meetings
Sunday June 13th and 27th 18:00-21:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Free
Do not worry about the rainy season at the free Energy/Reiki Share!
Meet new people and share experiences. Learn more about channeled energy/healing and how it can enhance your life.
Contact petyalowe@mail.com for more information
Workshop schedule:
Drisana level 2
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Sunday 6th June 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 25,000 / 29,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Drisana level 1
Click here for course description
By distance only (CD provided)
Saturday & Sunday 12th, 13th June 10:00 - 17:00
Fee 35,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Working with Your Guardian Angel for Guidance and Protection
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Wednesday 16th June 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, 5,000 / 7,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Bliss of Osiris level 1
Click here for course description
By distance only (CD provided)
Saturday 19th June 10:00 - 13:00
25,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Red Ankh level 1
Click here for course description
By distance only (CD provided)
Saturday 19th June 14:00 - 17:30
Fee 6,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Huna level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Sunday 20th June 10:00 - 17:00
Fee 10,000 / 14,000 yen
Contact petyalowe@mail.com for more information
Phoenix Rising level 1
Click here for course description
By distance only (CD provided)
Sunday 20th June 10:00 - 13:00
Fee 8,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Nectar of the Sphinx level 1
Click here for course description
By distance only (CD provided)
Sunday 20th June 14:00 - 17:30
Fee 8,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Drisana 6
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Sunday 27th June 10:00 - 17:30
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 50,000 / 54,000 yen
Contact hari@lifeforces.org for more information
Meridian Flush level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Wednesday 30th June 19:00 - 22:00
Fee 8,000 / 10,000 yen
Contact petyalowe@mail.com for more information
To Know and Not to Do...
"To know and not to do is not to know” has been credited to Chinese philosopher Wang Yangming (1472-1529) and the phrase has been cited frequently in various contexts. It means that although we know something is a good idea or is an action we had best take, since we did not follow the idea or action through it meant we did not really 'know' to begin with.
This then raises the question, what is knowing? Do we really know anything for certain? We think we know that two plus two equals four - except that by tricks of mathematics it can be shown not to be so. If we have been to Paris, we know through direct experience that Paris is the capital of France. Except something may have happened in the last few minutes and it has gone.
People say, "I know how I feel," and then say, "I feel good." At best, this is not very descriptive and only provides a generalization of one's state. Or people say, "I know he doesn't like me," when what he or she means is, "I don't think he likes me."
Most of what we 'know' is either thinking (and we think many things all the time) or a repetition of stored experiences and beliefs, which may or may not be true at the moment.
One thing we can know for sure is how we feel and what our emotions are- if we have learned to accurately identify feelings and emotions. This 'truth' can change rapidly but provides a center where we can come from and understand how exactly situations and events impact us.
This is in direct contradiction with what most of us have experienced education to be; the learning and regurgitation of facts, the ability to support one's point of view, and the ability to chose and select 'valuable' information. Feelings are considered to be irrelevant and hindering.
Spiritual knowing comes from a source outside of us and can arise during meditation, sitting in nature, or periods of intense concentration. It is often accompanied by a sense of remembrance, an "Ah-ha!" moment.
When we allow ourselves time to be still, knowing occurs more often, and actions that are in line with our best interests (and often others) come more naturally.
Movie of the Month:
Dirt! The Movie
We all come from dirt, and to dirt we shall return. Dirt! The Movie reminds us of what many of us have forgotten - dirt is our life.
Fun, scary, serious, emotional and spiritual, Dirt! The Movie looks at soil as the basis of life on this planet, how we need to reawaken our natural relationship with it, and connect with Mother Earth for our life.
Quote of the Month:
“All truly wise thoughts have been thought already thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take root in our personal experience.”
Johann von Goethe