Lifeforces - Nov 2010 Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2010
Lifeforces newsletter

Based in Tokyo since 1994, Lifeforces offers both individual sessions/treatments and workshops for personal and spiritual growth.

Individual sessions: We offer true, integrated holistic therapy addressing the mind, body and spirit simultaneously to access the root causes of any complaint, disease or injury. Using hypno-psychotherapy, craniosacral theraply and channeled energies, clients are assisted to enter an inner space from where insights and lasting healing can take place.

Workshops: We are offering many workshops over the next few months. Please see listings below and if you are interested in taking a class that is not listed, please contact us: tel/fax 03-3472-1714 or tel/fax 03-3357-2067

Directions to Lifeforces locations in Shinagawa and Shinanomachi:

To subscribe or unsusbscribe to this newsletter please email

Upcoming Free Energy Share Meetings

Sunday November 14th & 28th 18:00-21:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Free

Winter may be starting but you are sure of a warm welcome at the free Energy/Reiki Share.
Meet new people and share experiences. Learn more about channeled energy/healing and how it can enhance your life.

Contact for more information

Workshop schedule:

Neriya level 5
By distance only
Wednesday 3rd November (Nat Hol) 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 55,000
Contact for more information

Phoenix Rising level 1
Click here for course description
Can be taken by distance
Wednesday 10th November 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 7,000 yen
Contact for more information

Experiencing Your Heart's Desire
Click here for course description

Can be taken by distance
Wednesday 17th November 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 5,000 yen
Contact for more information

Angelic Opening & Shielding of
the Crown Chakra level 1

Click here for course description

By distance only
Monday 22nd November 19:00 - 21:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 7,000 yen
Contact for more information

Huna level 2
Click here for course description

Can be taken by distance

Tuesday 23rd November (Nat Hol) 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 14,000 yen
Contact for more information

Drisana level 4
Prerequisite Drisana level 3
Click here for course description
With Japanese translation
Can be taken by distance

Saturday 11th December 10:00 - 17:00
Aoyama, Fee 37,000 /
41,000 yen
Contact for more information

Angelic Opening & Shielding of
the Base Chakra level 1

Click here for course description

By distance only
Monday 13th December 19:00 - 21:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 7,000 yen
Contact for more information

Phoenix Rising level 2
Click here for course description
By distance only

Wednesday 15th December 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 10,000 yen
Contact for more information

Huna level 3
Click here for course description

Can be taken by distance

Thursday 23rd December (Nat Hol) 10:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 18,000
Contact for more information


Quote of the Month:

“The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. ”

Blaise Pascal

The Heart of the Matter

If belief is a function of the mind, i.e. we choose to believe based on information we have logically analysed, why do we say "I believe with all my heart"?

Far from being a simple pump (it actually is rather inefficient as a pump; most of the pumping is done by the arteries), the heart contains 300-400 thousand neurons, in other words, cells that process and transmit information by electrical and chemical signaling, just like the cells of the brain.

While the brain has many more neurons, the heart is more powerful. The heart puts out five thousand times more electro-magnetic power than the brain, and this can be detected 10 to 15 metres away from the body. Fully 90% of electrical signaling goes from the heart to the brain and only 10% from the brain to the heart. A heart wave is like a tsunami that passes through the brain.

Medical science of course has recognized for a long time that if the heart does not beat we do not exist. It is, however, only recently that it is beginning to look at the heart in a more holistic way – recognizing that the heart regulates flow throughout the whole body and is central not only to our physical existence but also to our emotional as well as reasoning functions.

The heart is a brain in its own right, containing and transmitting information. There are many stories of people who having received a heart transplant then undergo personality changes that reflect characteristics of the donor, i.e. the physical heart holds information and processes emotion. And what is ‘emotion’ but energy in motion…

This might explain why we can 'believe with our heart', follow our 'heart's desire' and listen to our heart not our head.

If the heart is so powerful, it would seem to make sense to listen to our hearts a bit more, and to our heads a bit less. However, this takes practice, e.g. sitting down quietly and 'tuning in' to the heart, and also having some disregard for the countless thoughts we experience in our heads. Obviously, meditation is a good place to start.

Heart-based thinking can be scary since many ideas that we identify with, such as success and control, are challenged and may have to be reevaluated. However, the results of listening to, and following, your heart are well worth it - you will feel happier, less stuck or divided, and have more motivation.

Book of the Month:

Follow Your Heart
- by Andrew Mathews

This is a simple and practical guide for anyone who wants to find purpose in their life and work. It is about: doing what one loves; dealing with bills and broken legs; discovering one's own power; finding peace of mind; dealing with disasters; and not blaming one's mother. The book is also about: how happy people think; why rich people make money, even by accident; and what losers do, and how not to be like them.
