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Free Energy Share Meetings in June & July Sunday June 12th & 26th Workshop schedule: Quote of the Month:
| Oneness The basic premises of any political system, be it capitalist, socialist or whatever, are fundamentally flawed as they are all based on the idea of limitless resources. Domestic product, wealth and so on cannot keep growing indefinitely. Yet this is what we are promised by politicians and is touted as the solution to our 'problems'. War and poverty exist, though, because those in power see resources as being scarce. Resources are something to be fought for, and the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. This situation is continued by the promotion of the 'us vs them' mentality, amongst other things. The fact is, neither viewpoint is accurate. While resources are not infinite, there is no scarcity. Scarcity is something that is manufactured by a consumer economy to give so-called 'value'. Diamonds, for example, are not particularly rare, but the major mining companies tightly control the amount on the market. Motor vehicles could be built that are very fuel-efficient and easily last 50 years.
To an an extraterrestrial, our similarities far outweigh our differences, and as a species we must seem insane as we harm ourselves with war, pollution, habitat destruction, bad food, etc. Most people gain great satisfaction from helping others, but most of the time we look at others as, well, other, instead of realising we are all one. Book of the Month: Great teachers tell us that no amount of intellectual understanding will help us realise that we are all one, and that only love can bring about this realisation. Yet author John Greven has done a pretty good job of overcoming the intellectual barrier.To quote, " This book will offer no path, no exercises, no teacher no guru, no mantra, no nothing! It is not about self-improvement, spiritual growth, or hocus-pocus. "This is about totally radical discovery. It is about seeing who you are, who you have always been, and who you will always be." |