Lifeforces - May 2011 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone for all your support in raising funds for
disaster relief in Japan tel/fax 03-3472-1714 or tel/fax 03-3357-2067

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Upcoming Free Energy Share Meetings

Sunday May 8th and 22nd 18:00-21:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Free

Everyone is welcome to come and relax with the warm vibrations of healing energy at the Reiki/Energy Share! It is a great opportunity for you to receive a free mini-healing session (regardless of whether you already are a practitioner of energy healing or a ‘novice/beginner’)!

And for those of you who have already been attuned to Reiki - or any other healing energy - it is a great opportunity to share with others, and to deepen your ability to work with and learn more about channeled energy/healing and how it can enhance your life and the lives of people around you.

Contact for more information

Workshop schedule:

All of these classes can be taken by distance!

Angelic Opening & Shielding of
the Brow Chakra level 2

Click here for course description

By distance only Fee 7,000 yen
Monday 9th May 19:00 - 21:00
Contact for more information

Neriya level 2
Click here for course description
By distance only
Wednesday 18th May 19:30 - 22:00
Fee 41,000
Contact for more information

Bliss of Osiris level 1
Click here for course description

If taken by distance, CD provided
Wednesday 25th May 19:30 - 22:00
Lifeforces Shinanomachi, Fee 23,000
Contact for more information

Infinite Light of Huna level 2
Click here for course description
By distance only
Friday 27th May 20:00 - 22:00
Fee 14,000 yen
Contact for more information

Drisana level 6
Click here for course description

By distance only, CD provided
Sunday 29th May 11:00 - 13:00
Lifeforces Shinagawa, Fee 47,000
Contact for more information


Quote of the Month

“Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death. ”

Kahlil Gibran



In spiritual circles, desire is often seen as the obstacle to happiness and enlightenment. It is said that only because we desire we are unhappy. Yet without desire we would not live. There would be no movement, no desire for change.

The content of your desire is a reaction to the situation in which you exist, and is partly dependent on culture and upbringing. It is the mind that gives you desire, while your body is happy to just exist.

The problem is not that we have desires; not having one's desires met is the problem. However, once one desire has been met, another pops up, creating an endless chase. Furthermore, even wanting to give up desire is a desire in itself.

The nature of living is that you will always have desires, therefore having desires is a given and natural part of being alive. However, it is important to realize that at every step your desire will create an illusion. This is the illusion that after your desire is fulfilled you will be happy. Therefore, the content of your desire is unimportant, though at any given moment you may think it very important.

One good thing about desire is that it causes you to reach for something beyond what you have. It allows you to stretch your boundaries. Or, in other words, there is something in you that wants to be boundless.

Since we are in a physical body, in order to be boundless we have to go beyond the physical. In fact, desire can be seen as part of the spiritual process as it encourages you to look for something more than your body or mind can provide.

Life did not make a mistake in giving humans desire. A life without desire would be as uplifting as that of a cow in a field.

Book of the Month


On Desire - Why We Want What We Want

William Irvine

An amusing and insightful book on the nature of desire. Irvine talks about evolution, the science of desire and religion, and above all, offers some practical and amusing advice on being eccentric and 'mastering' desire.

Philosophy and spirituality do not have to be serious, and this book, although sincere, is an easy read.