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Free Energy Share Meetings in October Sunday October 9th & 23rd 18:00-21:00 Workshop schedule: Quote of the Month:
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
| Why Spirituality? According to the Bible story, Adam and Eve were thrown out from the paradise of the Garden of Eden because they ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In other words, they learned to make judgments. One benefit of living a more spiritual life is that of becoming less judgmental. Judgments such as wrong and right, and good and bad are convenient ways of avoiding learning or understanding. For example, a child may be told that it is bad/dangerous to talk to strangers. Later though, through it’s own experience in life, the child learns that it is not only inevitable that we sometimes need to talk to strangers, but it can also be very enjoyable and beneficial.
There are many reasons we make judgments, such as, cultural beliefs, fear of others, uncertainty about our own ideas and values, and unwillingness to change. However, whatever the reasons, they all they limit us and our experiences of life in some way. Another way of thinking of judgments is in terms of the ego. It is our ego that draws lines and puts up shields in order to ‘keep us safe’. Imagine that you have a beautiful room in your house with only the things you like – colours, music etc. and only people you like can come in. That room is your ego. And being more spiritual or enlightened is about opening up this room to everybody and everything, standing back radically until there is nobody and nothing you want to keep out - and that is ultimately the only way we can really feel safe in the world. Spirituality helps us to see the world from a different perspective, one that is less judgmental. Consequently we are able to enjoy life more as we realise more of our potential, and we are able to become closer to God. Furthermore, another benefit of this is that the people around us feel better too, since we then judge them less.
Book of the Month: Making Judgments without being Judgmental In a gentle and humourous way, Terry D Cooper shows how judgment takes many forms, and how to overcome the 'monopoly of reality' some people believe they possess. If you would like to possess more empathy, this is a nice little book.