Awakening the Pineal Gland level 1
Your pineal gland has many key physical and metaphysical and spiritual functions - including clairvoyance, linking you to your Higher Self, and accessing advanced states of consciousness.
The pineal gland responds to light and is considered by many biologists to be the evolutionary remnant of an eye which still exists in certain lizards at the top of the head. Although the pineal gland is not directly connected with sight, it is associated with light. In most mammals and in humans it produces the hormone melatonin through a process which is dependent on daylight (actually the absence thereof). Melatonin regulates biorhythms such as sleeping and waking, and influences sexual development.
In addition, since ancient times the pineal gland hasbeen thought to have profound metaphysical and spiritualfunctions. The ancient Greeksconsidered the pineal gland to be the seat of the soul as well as a regulator ofthought. The great Frenchphilosopher Descartes thought that it was the action of the pineal whichexplained how the immaterial mind connected to the physical body. Among themetaphysical properties of the pineal gland a re thefollowing:
# The pineal gland translates received information (from one's own psychic abilities, from one's higher self or from spiritual guides) into visual form.
# The pineal gland is one of the primary centers responsible for linking the personality and the Higher Self.
# The pineal gland mediates many advanced meditative states and the energies associated with them.
# The pineal gland is one of three main "ray processing units" in the body, i.e., centers which absorb, modulate and disperse energies.
# The pineal gland facilitates communication and integration between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
In this workshop you will receive four autonomous (that is there is nothing that you need to do to activate them, they will work automatically without your having to pay any attention to them) initiations which use a beautiful golden energy to permanently heighten the functioning of your pineal gland.
This class can be taken by distance.