Reiki level 1

The practice of Reiki is usually thought of as a healing technique involving the laying on of hands. However, Reiki is much more than this. Since it is an energy, Reiki is capable of affecting all areas of our lives. Reiki can aid in manifesting goals, creativity, increasing awareness, relationships, in fact anything at all.

The class introduces students to the original concepts behind Reiki, puts the energy into a broader perspective, and powerfully, yet gently, connects each participant to the Reiki energy. This connection, or attunement, is permanent.

During the one-day experiential workshop you will be opened as a channel to be able to transmit Reiki energy. In addition, you will learn: a brief history of Reiki and its development, how to scan yourself and others in order to find areas of imbalance and reduced vitality; the correct positioning of hands in order to give a Reiki treatment; and practice sessions. You will immediately be able to use the Reiki energy on yourself, others, and also in many areas of your daily life.

Hari and Petya have been teaching Reiki since 1994 and have studied Reiki around the world from different lineages. They have conducted many years of research into the origins and practice of Reiki, and bring this extensive background into the class to create an enjoyable, informative and empowering learning experience.