Free Reiki Share
Sunday January 25th & February 8th
Lifeforces 2 Shinanomachi
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Workshop schedule:
Planetary Triangles level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
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Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 10th January 13:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Angelic Opening and Shielding of the Throat Chakra level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 19th January 19:00 - 22:30
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 9,000/11,000 yen
Contact for more information
Huna level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Saturday 24th January 10:00 - 18:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 16,000/20,000 yen
Contact for more information
Drisana level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Saturday & Sunday 24th & 25th January 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 38,000 yen
Contact for more information
Moving Towards Freedom This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation
Monday 26th January 19:00-22:00
Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 11,000/13,000 yen
Contact for more information
Quote of the month:
"There is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen."
Sean O'Faolain
For a New Year
Typically at the beginning of a year we resolve to better our lives in some ways. This can take the form of New Year resolutions, such as to exercise more, stop smoking, or to learn a new language. We may also decide to find the relationship we are looking for, or to make the year more financially rewarding than before.
All of these decisions, though, are realised by what is outside of ourselves. It seems we make our lives better by changing the external. The common factor among all our New Year resolutions is, of course, ourselves.
How would it be to resolve to change an aspect of ourselves, and then see that change manifested in the external as a natural consequence?
For example, if you want more money in your life, instead of looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, resolve to educate yourself about money. Learn how rich people became rich, and learn about investing. As a Hindu proverb says, "Pray to Sarasvati (goddess of learning) and Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) will be jealous and shower you with her blessings in order to win you over to her."
Looking to create that perfect relationship with a significant other? Then look at the part of you that needs something (security, approval,etc.) from another person and see if you cannot give it to yourself. In this way you are more likely to attract a relationship that is not dependant and will be more lasting.
If you want to lose weight, instead of buying another diet program or making yourself miserable through denial and then bingeing, look to see what the payoff is in the behavior pattern, and what is being avoided by the way things are.
There is incontrovertible evidence that our thoughts change not only our physical bodies but also the external world. This year, resolve to change the world, not by you but through you as in the often quoted words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Book of the Month:
The Field - Lynne McTaggart
First published in 2001, this updated version of The Field proves beyond doubt what we know; namely, information contained in an energy field is the only true reality.
Packed with references and interesting annecdotes, respected journalist McTaggart takes us through a journey proving the existence of 'the field' and what it means for us as human beings.
If you have experienced criticism or disbelief for doing 'energy work/healing' or want to understand it more from a scientific point of view, The Field is essential reading.