Lifeforces - November 2008 Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2008 Lifeforces newsletter

As usual, we are offering many workshops over the next few months. If you are interested in taking a class that is not listed, please contact us: tel/fax 03-3472-1714 or tel/fax 03-3357-2067

Directions to Lifeforces locations in Shinagawa and Shinanomachi:

To subscribe or unsusbscribe to this newsletter please email

Free Reiki Share
Sunday November 9th & 23rd 18:00-21:00,
Lifeforces 2 Shinanomachi
Contact to book a place

Workshop schedule:

Working with the Angel of Creative Wisdom
Offered with Japanese translation

This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Wednesday 29th October 19:00 - 22:00
Lifeforces1, Shinagawa, Fee 8,000 yen
to book a place

Crystal Empowerment Workshop
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Saturday 1st November 13:00-18:00

Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 8,000 yen
Contact for more information

Awakening the Pineal Gland level 1
This class can be taken by distance, too
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Wednesday 5th November 19:00-22:30

Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 10,000 yen
Contact for more information

Miraculous Vessels level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too

Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Thursday 6th November 10:00-17:00

Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 15,000 yen
Contact for more information

Huna level 1
Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Friday 7th November 10:00-17:00

Lifeforces 2, Shinanomachi, Fee 15,000 yen
Contact for more information

Drisana level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too

Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Friday 7th November 10:00-17:00

Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 33,000 yen
Contact for more information

Huna level 2
This class can be taken by distance, too

Click here for course description
Offered with Japanese translation

Saturday 8th November 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee 19,000 yen
Contact for more information

Drisana level 3
This class can be taken by distance, too

Click here for course description

Sunday 30th November 10:00 - 17:00
Lifeforces 1, Shinagawa, Fee, 42,000 yen
Contact for more information

Quote of the month:

"Strong reasons make strong actions."

William Shakespeare


Last month, we wrote about developing a step-by-step approach to building desired behaviour, such as not smoking or losing weight.

Many plans are started and then abandoned as momentum wanes and enthusiasm drops. So how can we support our desire to see our plans through?

Anecdotal evidence from lottery winners in the UK shows that these people spent a lot of time fantasizing about what they would spend the money on if they were to win. In other words, they had clear reasons for wanting to win. Having a reason or goal in mind is an important part of continuing momentum for desired change.

For example, if you wish to lose weight you must have some idea of what you would do or how your behaviour would change if you were to become slimmer.

The other side of this is that the mind does not like to do anything unless it can see a purpose - remember algebra classes at school?

So if you have started on a task or achieving a goal and given up partway through, your reason was not strong enough. Telling teenagers that smoking kills is not a strong enough reason for them to give up as they feel invincible and have no experience of getting old and dying. Tell them that the boy or girl they are attracted to does not like smokers and there is a powerful reason to quit.

Everybody has different reasons for his or her behaviour. If you can identify your reasons for change, and hold them clearly in your mind as enthusiasm wanes, you are much more likely to continue with your plan of action.

Book of the Month:

The Yellow Book - Richard Wilkins

This delightful little book contains a quote on every page, not written by a philosopher or new ager, but by a man who had and lost everything.

The wisdom in some of the quotes is truly inspiring as it relates to real life, not some abstract ideal of a perfect world.

Moving, easy to read, and food for thought.

Classes by distance
See a class on our web site or at S.U.N. that you would like to take? Nearly all S.U.N. classes can be taken by distance without any loss of effectiveness. We accommodate students all over the world on request. You can receive attunements when it suits your schedule, even when you are sleeping. If there is a class you would like to take, please send us an email detailing what you want. Please contact or