Hari Tahil, has a wide background in complementary therapies, including hypno~psychotherapy, bodywork and energy healing. He is an advanced cranio-sacral therapist, having studied under and worked in the Upledger Institute Clinic in Florida. He teaches many channeled energy classes, including the original Reiki system as preserved in Japan, and classes from the Spiritual Unfoldment Network (SUN). He practices Family and Systemic Constellations, having studied directly under the founder, Bert Hellinger.
In addition to conducting therapy and classes in Tokyo, he writes for the National Cancer Center in Tokyo. He teaches classes and conducts private sessions throughout the world, in places such as Australia, England, the US and in Asia.
Petya Lowe is a holistic therapist and energy teacher with a wide background in the healing arts. She is a Spiritual Unfoldment Network (SUN) teacher and a Sekhem and Seichim master/teacher trained directly by the founder of the Sekhem system of healing, Helen Belot. In addition, Petya is a Reiki master/teacher and together with Hari is one of the very few non-Japanese to teach the original Usui system as preserved only in Japan. She is a qualified advanced craniosacral therapist trained at the Upledger School of CranioSacral Therapy, a qualified hypnotherapist and a practitioner of many other complementary healing modalities. In her workshops, as well as her treatments, she incorporates her knowledge and experience of all the above disciplines.
At present, Petya lives in Tokyo, Japan and also travels around the world teaching energy workshops and facilitating private therapy sessions.